From The Storyteller
“You are my go-to person”, me to Elaine as we are drinking our early morning tea and watching the sun rise, to which she replied, “and you are my go-to person.” We sat for a while, and I began thinking about all the different ways that phrase is applied. We may be each other’s “go-to” person for a lot more than cooking and getting boxes down from the top shelves, however when it comes to things like auto repairs and electrical wiring, we both agree the need for some outside help is required. Which naturally made me aware that giving “go-to” status to somebody is a big declaration of trust. Example: If I need the brakes on our car fixed, I’ll be literally trusting the person selected with our lives. While most “go-to” decisions are not that critical, trust is still very much the key. That trust may go to a person we know personally, or to someone who is recommended by a person we trust. Unfortunately, many times those two options don’t exist, so we’re left finding that “go-to” person by making our best educated guess. When we began to share our memories of the “go-to” people who have been a part of our lives, I suddenly realized we were smiling. We had begun by recalling names and faces, and then came the stories that went with those faces. We shared memory after memory and came to the agreement that these individuals were “angels” sent by God. They not only arrived when we needed help, their impact made our lives better. While most of these “go-to” angels have moved on, recalling their faces and how they helped shape our lives, definitely brought involuntary smiles to our face. Moral: Recalling your “go-to” angels is time well spent. |