From The Storyteller
Christmas Magic
My Christmas story this year begins with me in bed at age 5 on Christmas Eve. I’m lying there quietly listening for any sign of Santa arriving. Then I heard it. A sound that must have been reindeer on our house roof. At first, I wondered if I was mistaken, but then I heard something coming from downstairs and I knew it must be Santa at work. Lying perfectly still so that nothing would interrupt Santa, sleep happened and the following morning I had all the proof I would ever need to know Santa had come – “Christmas Magic”. Sharing that I heard Santa Claus and his reindeer on the roof, followed the next day by presents under the tree, only got eye rolls and smiles. But, I knew the truth. And this brings me to what “Christmas Magic” really is. It happens at times when no reasonable explanation is available, and yet it's something special that can actually be felt. I’ve experienced it many times in the 70+ years since my reindeer event and I still call it “Christmas magic”. It is a “knowing” (even without the reindeer and Santa) that no matter what my current circumstance is, everything is “okay”. It is a feeling that everything is “right”. I’ve experienced it when thinking about my mother who died years ago, and when my family was gathered. I’ve even experienced it in church (surprise). No, I can’t control it, but when it happens, I “know” it. This time of year I enjoy calling it – Christmas Magic. I would write more but I think I hear reindeer on the roof, and I don’t want to scare Santa off. Moral: Christmas Magic works all year. |