From The Storyteller
Enjoy, Doug
Invisible People 2 Have you ever wondered if religion works? I’m not talking about walking on water or healing lepers. I am talking about arriving at that Biblical place of peace, joy, and satisfaction that fills your life cup to overflowing. Jews, Christians, and Muslims have been speaking about their “unique” path to it for thousands of years. Throw in Mormons, Hindus, Humanists, Taoists, Atheist, Agnostics, Pagans, and the Buddha, and you cover a big chunk of the world’s population, each offering their brand as the way to that promised place. With so many groups offering so many people a way to experience that peace, you would expect that at least some of each faith community will eventually get there. Unfortunately, this raises the question: Where can you find the ones who have experienced this peace; have they disappeared, or do they simply become invisible people? My personal experience is that the folks who have found that place of peace in their lives don’t leave the faith community that helped them to get there. While they’re rarely found in formal church leadership positions, most have done some time there. Church leaders have as much crazy in their lives, as the rest of us, and crazy lives just make being at peace tough sometimes. I’m smiling because here is where I get to share my secret to finding these invisible people. They’re not hiding. If you pay attention, you’ll find them everywhere. They’re the ones who are willing to be helpful, yet never pushy. You’ll find them willing to share their gifts and wisdom with anyone who asks, but if you are not asking, they don’t feel a need fix you. Yes, they’re the ones who experience joy simply by participating in the joy of others. Finding invisible people is fun. Moral: True religion offers a unique disappearing act. |