From The Storyteller
Once Upon a Time
October 1, 1962, was Johnny Carson’s first night starring on the Tonight Show. Before Carson there was Jack Paar, and before Paar, Steve Allen. Following Carson came Jay Leno, Conan O’Brien, and Jimmy Fallon bringing the list of permanent hosts to only six in its 70 years of existence. (According to AARP magazine.) During those 70 years I have gone from “had to go to bed before it came on” to “I’m in bed asleep before it comes on”. Also, during those years Saturday Night Live (SNL) turned 50, Bruce Willis stopped saving the world from bad guys, and Arnold came and went as governor of California. Yes, a lot has changed over the years, but one thing has not – Procrastination. Example: I began writing this November story at the end of August. It is now October 31 and I’m putting together the finishing touches on this smile, which demonstrates – Just because I think something will or will/not happen in the future does not control the future. Elaine’s first knee surgery went as planned, and by simply attending my “routine” scheduled cardiologist visit, I won a Medicare paid week in the hospital, with accompanying heart-by-pass type stuff. I am now into week four of “next week will be better”. I’m smiling because my head is back together enough to care about getting my November smile out to my Shoemaker Board. So, with procrastination in mind, on Halloween 2024, I offer my November story reminding all of us once again, that to smile about what we think might happen in the future and about where today has brought us, can be for two very different (and yet very valid) reasons. Moral: A story planned in August can look much different than the one produced at the end of October. |