From The Storyteller
November 13, 2017, Legos
Good ideas never go away. Lincoln Logs, Erector Sets, and American Plastic Bricks were the Legos of my youth. When a child’s imagination was turned loose with these three sets to work with, the creative possibilities were endless. The Lincoln Logs were small wooden pieces shaped like logs with notches at the ends. They were great for creating log houses, towers, and fences. The Erector Set contained thin, flat, metal pieces, with holes that could be screwed together. It was great for creating towers, airplanes, trucks, and other cool stuff. American Plastic Bricks were little red plastic bricks that snapped together. They were great for creating anything bricks could build. Today Legos includes everything my three sets included but the wooden logs. They have literally thousands of different parts, motors, and plastic colored bricks to be creative with. Legos are not just kid toys. They have become so popular they actually have their own “Lego Land” stores. Which leads me to Home Depot, Lowes, and Hobby Lobby. These stores, like Lego Land, exist because humans love being creative. We create in hundreds of different way. Woodworking, sewing, quilting, cooking, art, music, and restoring old cars just to name a few. Over the years my creative imagination has not gone away. Now I build big things with my hands, write stories, grow plants and play my guitar. While striving to create something that is perfect is a fool’s errand, working at creating something you enjoy is a satisfying journey worth taking. Lincoln Logs, Erector Sets, Legos, Hobby Lobby and Lowes exist because people are creative. Good ideas never go away, they just mature with us. You are creative - what do you feel like creating today? Moral – Let your good ideas show you the way to being satisfied. |