From The Storyteller
March 25, 2019 Kissing
“Wipe that smile off your face.” 8:32 Monday morning, I’m driving to the coffee shop, and a sentence from the first day of my basic training enters my mind. It is a sentence I recall every time I catch myself grinning from ear to ear. NPR has just told me that kissing is good for my health. Somebody, somewhere did a study on the good bacteria in our mouths, and found that when we kiss we trade bacteria with our partner. Roughly 83 million of the little guys trade places and both kissers are better off. Personal note: I enjoy kissing Elaine and am relieved to know it’s good for us. I know those pursuing advanced degrees are required to do research, and I find the idea of a creative kissing project amusing. But the thing that has me grinning from ear to ear is the fact that somebody had to actually think it up. I find myself in awe of the human mind and the things we can come up with. Just a day’s read of the things average folks post on Facebook reveals literally millions of creative ideas ranging from crazy to brilliant. Examples of out-of-box, creative thinking includes the guy who floated across LA in his balloon powered lawn chair. He stands right there with Mark the Facebook guy, Jeff the Amazon guy, and Bill the Microsoft guy. While their ideas proved to be financially more rewarding than the balloon guy’s, when they started their names and ideas were not household words. We live in a world where everyday folks are constantly demonstrating the creative power of the human spirit. It is why I like to think of every day as an “anything can happen day”. Moral: In a world filled with creative people and infinite possibilities, being bored requires real effort. |