From The Storyteller
Dec. 9, 2019
Hello All: Today's story offers a suggestion that can make the busy Christmas season a bit more enjoyable. I hope it works as well for you as it does for us. Enjoy, Doug Train “It was an American Flyer, electric train that looked like a steam engine. It had four cars and enough track to circle the Christmas tree.” Elaine listened intently as I described that dream gift from a Christmas years ago, and then it was her turn. She shared with me about one particular bride doll, and as I listened to her something happened to me. Having never had any interest in dolls, I thought her dream gift “Christmas Story” would be a snoozer. Boy, was I wrong. The joy that she displayed as she relived that gift was contagious, and I caught it. When the story was finished, I asked how she felt when my train story was being told. Her answer, “I loved every minute of it.” This led me to the realization that retelling our favorite “Christmas Stories” allows us to re-experience the joy we felt when it happened, and by sharing the story we invite others to participate in that joy with us. Which brings me to offer a suggestion for this Christmas season. Build into your busy holiday schedule time for sharing some of your favorite “Christmas Stories”. Those stories are a part of who you are, and when you tell them you’re sharing a fun part of your life that others can experience with you. Example: Elaine was smiling the whole time she described her bride doll, even recalling the “wonderful” smell of the plastic it was made out of (back then plastic was new). As I listened, I found myself smiling right along with her. It’s your “Christmas Story”, and your purpose in the telling is simply to reconnect with, and share, the joy you felt “back then”. When you do, you’ll feel better and so too will those around you. Moral: Joy is contagious. |