From The Storyteller
March 19, 2018, Problems Because I am dedicated to helping the world solve its problems, I am offering some of my tried and true problem solving techniques. Take for example my solution to the mysterious 2lbs. my scale says I gained over the weekend. Being a cautious dieter, I can immediately rule out the Danish I ate on Sunday. What then? We did have a weather front come through on Sunday, so it must be the changing barometric press that is causing the difference. Problem solved by - adapting. Another problem-solving example comes out of my ability to overlook important dates (read here anniversary). The solution came to me after listening to one of ours daughters proclaim, “Today is the two week anniversary of going with (now nameless boyfriend).” Yes! Since every day is an anniversary of something, by regularly telling my beautiful bride “Happy Anniversary”, my problem is solved by - modifying. A third example of problem-solving comes out of our many travels. Even with careful planning, we always forget something. The problem was never the forgotten thing; the problem - who was responsible for making sure we brought it. Since great wars have been fought over lesser things, a quick solution was reached. Since we always forget something, once we know what we forgot, “WE” simply declare, “Great, now we know what WE forgot”. WE have overcome a problem. These examples of problem-solving techniques highlight a few key elements. One, don’t take life’s problems too seriously. Two, every day is special and worthy of celebration. Three, accept responsibility for your part of the problems. Four, smile a lot, and five, never under any circumstances keep score. They work well – try them at no cost. Moral – Dealing with a problem? Adapt, modify, overcome, and smile. |