From The Storyteller
Oct. 15, 2018, Evolution
My alarm is buzzing. I open my eyes, roll over, and turn it off. I do not get out of bed, nor do I go back to sleep. I lay there for several minutes moving my arms, legs, and stretching my back. This has not always been my morning routine. In my younger years I would just open my eyes, and get out of bed. On this particular morning Elaine’s definition of “evolution” comes to mind. Laying there I am very aware of the fact my body has “changed over time,” which is her definition of “evolution.” The fact that my physical “evolution” has been taking place, did not mean the “change” had been for the better. At this point in my life, I still consider getting older to be a good thing, however, my “evolution” had brought me to a new understanding of how to get things done. I think about growing up with my problem-solving phrase “Adapt, modify, and overcome,” and how my physical “evolution” caused this powerful phrase to “evolve.” With the addition of one word, it “evolved” into “Think, adapt, modify, and overcome.” I marvel at how the addition of the word “think” made possible “evolution” in ways I had never considered. Example: Family gathering touch football games with the kids (who are in their 20’s) finds me volunteering to ref the game. I decide for things like open heart surgery, and no ironing shirts, the words “new and improved” sound better than “evolution.” I also decide my two minute stretching routine came as a direct result of my “evolved” phrase “Think, adapt, modify, and overcome,” which came as a direct result of my physical “evolution.” Then I realize that sometimes my mind has a mind of its own. Moral: A lot of thinking can happen in two short minutes |