From The Storyteller
Hello All: I suspect that each of us can relate to this story. Some often, and some not so often. Enjoy, Doug Sleepless “The worst thing about having a sleepless night is having the same song playing over-and-over in my head”. Me to Elaine, after one of my very rare, sleepless nights. I do know I drifted off more than once because I had dreams. One of which had me dreaming I was awake, and I know it was a dream because it had my mother (gone now 50 years) checking on me. Which brings me to my rule for sleepless nights. After I've gone to bed, I don't get up, except a potty breaks, until morning. A second rule I rediscovered during that sleepless night is no caffeine after 3:30. This caused me to realize I have unwritten rules to make life easier. The easy ones to spot are like take out the trash after cooking fish, and don’t drive too long when the gas gauge is pointing to "E". Elaine shared two of hers: One, she knows it’s time to do weekly laundry by counting the clean underwear in the drawer, and two, never leave the house with beans cooking on the stove. This reminds me of my often-used quote that highlights the reason for unwritten rules, “Experience is something we get, shortly after we need it.” Which caused me to make the following observation about our human condition: God did not make humans perfect. I consider this to be almost scandalous. Think about it, the best the creator of the universe could do, when designing humans, was “very good”. Unless of course “very good” was the original divine intent. Which made me aware of how my human imperfections have kept my life from being boring. Note: If "very good" is the divine intent, then that makes me perfect, because my life is not boring. Moral: Sleepless nights gives us time to think. on. |