From The Storyteller
Hello All: Learning how to deal with recurring computer driven frustrations is worth the read. Today's YouTube link is . Enjoy, Doug
Password “NOOO!”, me yelling at the computer as it tells me my “username or password do not match our records”. After several frustrating tries, I give up and go to the next step and click the forgot label to create a new password. There I’m told that the “new” one had been used before and cannot be reused. I’ve become trapped in an ever-growing list of frustrating alphanumeric combinations, and my list of passwords has grown to four pages. Which naturally brings me to a great conversation I had with my grandson, Jordan, several years ago. Fresh out of the Navy, we’re talking about how the Navy’s IT security training makes his job hunt prospects look good, when by “pure coincidence” an ad popped up on his phone declaring United Supermarket was hiring. He looked at it, laughed and simply said, “You do know our phones are always listening.” He explained how few things are hidden, if someone is willing to spend the money and do the deep internet digging. With notable exceptions, like banking, the primary purpose of requiring every one of your internet accounts to have a password is to keep everyday folks from snooping on each other. He also mentioned trying to remember all my passwords would drive me crazy. I smile when I think of that conversation for two reasons. First, it ended most of my yelling at computers. Now I simply assume I’ve forgotten the password and go straight to creating a new one. Second, I’ve learned to look at my growing password list with a positive twist, because it’s actually a real time journal of the many places my computers have taken me. Moral: Frustrations can be eliminated by accepting the inevitable. |