Onion by the Story Teller
March 13, 2017, Onion
I am a sucker for sweet onions. The big 1015, or Vidalia are just the thing to go with a hamburger. Generally they are large and it can take the better part of a week to eat one. This means that some of them sit in my crisper longer than expected. One particular onion decided it was not done and started putting out roots. In my house when a plant starts putting out roots that is a sign for Elaine to grow whatever it is. And so it was with this particular onion. First in a jar with roots down in the water and then as the green shoot out from the bulb a transplant into the dirt happens. Elaine has a little raised garden box and our onion joined the pineapple and a few of our other treasures. Several weeks later it looked like we might have an onion harvest. Then, one Saturday morning, Elaine comes in with the greens in her hand and explained something had dug up our onion, ate the bulb and left the greens. Two things struck me. First, our hungry friend (we think it is a possum) found the onion and dug it up. This was not one out of a field of onions, this was a one shot deal. Nature somehow prepared our friend to find the food it needs to survive without human assistance. What struck me next was how life really is a cycle that connects us all. From the seed planted by the farmer, to the onion in the store, to the onion in our home taking root, to the planting in our garden, to the possum that dug it up for food – people, plants, animals and events connected in ways of which we would never dream. Moral – Be mindful of how we live, the waves we cause go far beyond the horizon |