From The Storyteller
2023 January Messages
The guy’s t-shirt read, “Grow a beard”. This seemed to me to be the strangest thing a person would want printed on a t-shirt. Women generally have no interest in growing a beard, and I, like most men, grow some each day without the need for encouragement. While I personally choose to shave my beard off each morning, I’m writing this in an effort save the t-shirt guy from being disappointed. I want him to know I got his message, and I will continue each day to do my best to comply with his request. After all, if he is willing to wear that message on his chest, who am I to disappoint him. Since t-shirt sayings are a real-world form of Facebook, I’m reminded that on an almost a daily basis, I’m encouraged to type “Yes” to believing in Jesus. The message assures me that when I type “Yes”, I will get a great financial reward within five days. I confess I’ve not yet typed that “Yes”, but only because I’m doing okay financially right now, and I wanted to save that “Yes” for when hard times hit. This naturally brings me to the Facebook post for which I’m most thankful. It’s a warning, with a picture of a handsome, long-haired man with light skin tone, blue eyes, sandals, and a great robe. Beneath the picture is the question, “Do you know this man? Knowing who he is can save your life.” They don’t give his name, so I’m assuming it’s a wanted poster. Haven’t met the guy in the picture yet, but if I do happen upon him, I’ll know to start running and not look back. Wow! A beard encouragement, a financial relief opportunity, and the warning of a potentially dangerous person all to start the new year. Plenty still there to smile about. Happy New Year – from Doug & Elaine |