From The Storyteller
Hello All: The fact that the world has so many different folks lead me to an observation about God. You may or may not agree with me but it should get you to thinking. Enjoy, Doug
Rim “The only word I can think of right now is ‘Grand’, as in Grand Canyon”. These are the first words out of my mouth, as Elaine and I are standing on the north rim of the Grand Canyon. Having never been there before I was overwhelmed by what was before me. Fast forward a few years and we are standing on the south rim of the Grand Canyon with a daughter and granddaughter. The view is still breath taking but the feeling is different. The North rim takes more effort to get to and consequently has far fewer visitors. The result is less “tourist stuff” and less people activity. Same canyon seen from two different locations produced two different feelings, which brings me to me the fact that my life experiences include growing up on the Southside of Chicago and spending six years pastoring a church in George West, Texas, a town of about 2500. Great people in both places and plenty of great memories, yet when it comes to lifestyle, they’re as different as night and day. Examples: In GW the whole community believes in “ranch values”, have personal rain gauges, and attend the high school football games. In Chicago, to my knowledge, adults rarely go to high school football games, rain gear is an umbrella, and ranch values is something you put on a salad. My experience: Great people looking at America from the “north rim”, and great people looking at America from the “south rim”, both embracing their truly different lifestyles. Which points me to a comment by the Dali Lama, “With seven billion people living in the world, we all can’t believe the same thing.” Which brings me to an observation that either God loves diversity, or God made a big mistake. Personally, I’m going with a love of diversity. Moral: Loving the view. |