From The Storyteller
August 21, 2017, Tornado “It feels like I am constantly putting out fires.” Then with a smile added, “It’s more like dealing with tornado's”. Her story had all of us in the room smiling. Her 12 year old daughter and 13 year old cousin are spending the week together. It’s “Cousin Camp” - a popular summer event that brings cousins together, under one roof, for a several days. Aunts, uncles, and grandparents get the opportunity to enjoy the next generation first hand. The only pre-condition – the week long teenage sleepover happens at your house. Her tale begins with the girls wanting to stay up and watch TV while mom, who has to work tomorrow, goes to bed. The sole instruction – don’t make a mess. Morning arrives and reality happens. All their clothes are scattered throughout the house. Observation – they tried on everything they both owned. Every kitchen cabinet stands open. Observation - what they didn’t eat was left out for later inspection. Mom (aunt), in an act of kindness, silently dresses as the little angels sleep. As she begins to sneak out the door, daughter opens one eye and asks the obvious question, “What time are we going to get our nails done today?” Mom get an A+ for not responding the way I would have. She actually takes a deep breath and says, “It will be later today - after you have cleaned up this mess.” Hearing this story mom's older, smiling co-worker simply said, “We knew our son was home visiting from college by the dirty laundry bag in the hall.” As stories are shared by a room of smiling parents and looks of love on their faces confirmed one great common theme – teenage children make wonderful memories. Moral – Tornadoes create messes - love overcome messes. |