From The Storyteller
It’s the CVS parking lot in Milton, Pennsylvania on the 17th of September. Three days into our trip to the trees in Canada, Elaine spots a penny on the parking lot. Picking it up she declares it to be a “lucky” one, and hands it to me. Naturally my question was, “Of all the pennies we’ve found, why is this the first you’ve declared to be “lucky”?’ Without missing a beat, she replies, “Because I found it face up”, and I drop it into my pocket without a second thought. As luck would have it, we had perfect weather, beautiful fall colors, and day after day of easy driving the whole 16-day, 5000 miles vacation. Note: Each night as I emptied my pockets, I would look at that penny and actually think “lucky” penny. I still have that penny and look at it twice daily (going in and coming out of my pocket). Now I’m not superstitious, and have never relied on charms like coins, four-leaf clovers, rabbit’s feet, hats, bats, pens, and crossing my fingers. I have, however, told actors going on stage to “break a leg”, and fellow clergy about to preach to “knock’em dead”. Note: No deaths or broken legs have occurred yet. I would point out that, at least for me, not breaking mirrors, or walking under ladders, or even tangling with strange black cats simply qualify as good advice rather than some supernatural way to avoid bad luck. So, if you’re wondering why I am keeping that “lucky” penny, the answer is simple. Every time I look at that shiny copper coin, I’m reminded that God is with me 24/7/365, and wherever I go and whatever I’m doing, I’m not alone. I figure that’s a whole lot of good coming from a single penny. Moral: Good reminders are priceless. |