From The Storyteller
Hello All: Christmas and Santa Claus all ring true if we listen. Enjoy. Doug
True “You can’t pray a lie”, quoting Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn. Huck, being sure prayer worked, decided to pray away some of the “bad” habits that caused him problems. Unfortunately, they didn’t go away. So, Huck figured that, since he really didn’t “want” to change to begin with, praying for it wasn’t being truthful, and thus lying to God just didn’t work. This naturally caused me to focus on Santa Claus and the time I had “That Talk” with my mother. It started with me telling her a friend didn’t believe in the Easter Bunny or Santa Claus. I told her I agreed with him about the Easter Bunny, because a rabbit couldn’t possibly carry all the stuff people got, but Santa in his sleigh could. When “That Talk “was over, I knew my friend’s saying “no one lived at the North Pole with reindeer that could fly” was a “true” statement. Recalling this major change in my world view, reminded me of the time I performed the Heimlich maneuver. A woman I was having lunch with began choking. I did what I’d been taught. It worked, and I saved her life. Observation: Being taught how to do something, and needing to do it “right” in an emergency, are two entirely different things. Which leads me to smile when I think about how discovering what is “true” can make life better. For Huck Finn, realizing he truly liked being who he was gave him comfort. For me, learning the “true” Santa secret made Christmas even better because I became a part of that secret for my little sisters. When I think about how I saved a person’s life because I ‘d been taught a technique that was “true”, I'm thankful for a good teacher. Moral: When something that is “true” is revealed, good things can happen. |