From The Storyteller
Hello All: With all the talk about vacations missed this summer, I thought I would share a little of what didn't happen for us this summer. Enjoy, Doug
Trees “It took me six months to change my thinking from vacation mode to work mode.” Me to a friend as I described how my move from Kansas to Corpus Christi, Texas affected me. I moved from winter cold to palm trees and warm ocean breezes. Talk about different. Every movie I had ever seen with palm trees and beaches were burned into my brain as a place of an endless summer vacation. But, since vacation was not my intention, a shift in my thinking was required, and with that shift came a very important lesson. If you work in paradise, you vacation someplace else. Which naturally caused me to think about the many ways people vacation. For the snow skiers vacation means a trip to the mountains, and for the water skiers vacation means a trip to the lake. There are the Princess Cruise folks, Disney World folks, and folks that just vacation at home reading. Elaine and I are “road trip” folks. These are people who get in the car and drive to interesting places. We’ve been to state parks, national parks, canyons, caverns, deserts, oceans, mountains, forests, and even an island in the middle of Lake Superior. Which of course brings me to t-shirts. We want to support all these special places we go to, and we feel one way to do this is to buy the t-shirts or jackets they sell. The extra money we spend helps to support them directly and being a walking billboard gives them free advertising. They also serve as gentle reminders of great vacations. I smile knowing that having literally dozens hanging in my closet does not prevent a new purchase. Moral: Support the places that bring you joy. |